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In Zimbabwe, many people are dependent on aid in the fight against hunger and poverty.

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People in Yemen need help in many spheres of life: Clean water, medication and food are scarce.

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War, extreme drought and crop failures are making the live hard in Uganda. Anyway, about one million people have already found refuge there.

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Tajikistan is the poorest of the Central Asian Republics. The majority of the population lives from agriculture.

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Syria / Türkiye

The civil war has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Millions of people have fled. Welthungerhilfe assists at the local level

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Armed conflicts and social tensions between government, rebels and ethnic groups strain life in Sudan.

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South Sudan

The youngest state on earth is literally struggling to survive. After a brutal civil war and droughts, many people are dependent on aid.

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Somalia / Somaliland

Welthungerhilfe is helping Somalia and Somaliland, which are both under threat by droughts induced by climate change.

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Sierra Leone

Since civil war is over and Ebola apparently defeated, the uptrend is noticeable. But hunger is still a hunger problem in Sierra Leone.

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Peru has made an economic upswing, but the poor rural populaton feels little of it.

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Welthungerhilfe and its partners support local people with disaster risk reduction and rural development.

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North Korea

Welthungerhilfe has been working in North Korea since 1996 and supports the population in areas like agriculture.

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