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Material and Publications

Forecast-based Financing: Standard Operating Procedures in Madagascar

This document outlines the process of how funding will be released, accessed and disbursed to Start Network members in Madagascar, in the event of a predicted drought in Madagascar.


These SOPs begin with an explanation of our approach, the pilot project in Madagascar and the work done in phase 1 of the project (design), and a brief explanation of the scientific triggers (what they are, how they were set and agreed, and what they represent). Then begins the central section of the SOPs: which outlines how funding will be released to Start Network members in Madagascar when triggers are met, i.e. when a drought that meets pre-set danger thresholds is predicted. These SOPs outline how the funding will flow from Start Network (hosted by Save the Children UK) to implementing members in Madagascar (and link to the relevant documentation that will initiate this movement of funds), how it is determined which agencies will be implementing in each of the region(s) predicted to be affected by drought, and what reporting, accountability and audit requirements exist towards the Start Network (as the upstream donor of implementing partners).

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