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Material and Publications

Final Evaluation Report 2018: India (IND 1296-1302)

IND 1296-1302: Fight Hunger First Initiative – Upscaling Best Practices (Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh)


The project “Fight Hunger First Initiative – Upscaling best Practices” (FHFI II) was implemented by six partner NGOs in the states of Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh, coordinated by Welthungerhilfe India. The target group of the project comprised of 190,882 people (33,554 households, HHs) living in 303 villages in 66 Panchayats spread in eight districts and nine blocks of the five states.

The project aimed at improved quality, coverage and access to public services related to food and nutrition, employment and education in the project area. The achievement of the project purpose was measured by three indicators covering days of employment through MGNREGA, malnutrition of children as well as school attendance. Except MGNREGA employment, the indicators were achieved in most states. FHFI II has contributed a lot to improved food and nutrition security, income and primary education in the project area. In the selected blocks, quality, coverage and access to public services especially related to food and nutrition, but also to employment and education has improved. The project has also been very successful in upscaling best practices beyond the project area.

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