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25.06.2020 | Blog

The Business of “Economic Revival”

In this large-scale consortium project, Welthungerhilfe supports emerging value chains by bringing together producers and distributors.

Frauen bei Feldarbeit
A woman working in the fields in Ngoulekpa and Boussamoa © Kai Loeffelbein

The Central African Republic languishes at the bottom of various hunger and poverty rankings, but in areas around the capital, Bangui, there is hope for stability and recovery. In this large-scale consortium project, Welthungerhilfe together with its Alliance 2015 partners ACTED, Concern Worldwide and COOPI supported emerging value chains by bringing together producers and distributors. This 30-months project which concluded in June 2021, provided advice and support to farmers’ groups to increase their productivity. The investment in value chains has led to the creation of new jobs in agriculture, a sector that provides a livelihood for more than 80 percent of the population.

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The crisis has affected all sectors, but opportunities still exist

Since the fall of President Bozizés in March 2013 by the rebel coalition Séléka, the Central African Republic has sunk into violence and a humanitarian catastrophe. After the transition period in 2016, the civil war was considered to be over however this was proved not be the case. Although peace building efforts continued in 2017 and in 2019, the Central African Republic has slipped back into a cycle of violence in recent years. As large parts of the country continue to be dominated by rebel groups.

The crisis has strongly affected all sectors, particularly in rural areas, where insecurity has disrupted or destroyed activities. Despite this difficult context, opportunities for economic development, growth and employment exist, primarily in the agricultural sector. In stable regions outside the control of armed groups, new agricultural outlets have emerged since 2016, particularly with the arrival and increased activity of private and/or public economic actors seeking suppliers. These opportunities can only be seized by considerably strengthening the production capacities of basic producers in quantity and quality, and by redirecting production towards the most promising sectors.

The Business auf "Economic Revival" (Video in French only)

The project’s interventions will create opportunities for transformation and job creation for young people and women who are the main victims of the current crisis and therefore the pillars on which the country’s recovery can be built.

How Welthungerhilfe supports People in the Central African Republic

Project funded by the European Union through the Bêkou/ EU Trust Fund for the Central African Republic.

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