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11.07.2019 | Blog

Fighting Hunger in Madagascar

Welthungerhilfe works with the local population in Madagascar's rural communities to address their needs concerning nutrition, hygiene and a secure livelihood.

Toliara Madagaskar Tulear Madagascar
The photo shows a girl at a garbage dump in Toliara, Madagascar. With funding from the BMZ, Welthungerhilfe has been supporting the city administration in setting up a functioning waste collection system since 2014 © Haddad Toni

Madagascar is a country of contrasts. As a tropical paradise with long, sandy beaches and remarkable biodiversity, the world’s fourth-largest island is becoming more and more popular with tourists. Some darker aspects, however, are often overlooked: Madagascar has one of the world’s highest rates of chronic undernutrition. Three out of every four residents make their living as small farmers, but they barely harvest enough to cover their own needs. Only half of the 23.5 million inhabitants have access to clean water.

Water – No Smooth Sailing

One such city is Tuléar, in southwestern Madagascar. Approximately 35% of its residents are originally from elsewhere, and its population has more than doubled in the last 10 years. The city’s problems are increasing in tandem with its uncontrolled growth: Mountains of garbage and street-side sewage pose grave health risks, with pollutants seeping into the groundwater and contaminating waterways, flies transmitting germs to food in the marketplace and infectious diseases thriving.

Gegen den Hunger in Madagaskar
Life in the country is hard. As a result, many smallholders in Madagascar are moving to the cities. © Haddad Toni

Welthungerhilfe's work in Madagascar

The rural areas surrounding the city are not much better off: In some districts, only 6% of the population has access to clean drinking water. This is due to both extreme dryness in the region and a lack of wells in the villages. Animals also drink from the few existing watering holes. This leads both to contamination and to conflicts over the scarce water supply.

Better Income – Better Nutrition

Since almost half of the households in Tuléar live below the poverty line, families were thus far not able to afford an adequate, healthy diet. They are therefore receiving special consideration in connection with waste removal activities: Especially single mothers and unemployed youths can earn a living from collecting and recycling waste materials. Training and equipment for waste collection are being provided in support as well.

Ein Mann und eine Frau präsentieren Stolz ihre Ernte
Welthungerhilfe and the local population are cultivating quickly-growing fruit trees. They expand food options and also serve to reforest areas threatened by erosion. © Mirjam Knickriem

How Welthungerhilfe Supports People in Madagascar

The project that Welthungerhilfe is conducting in conjunction with the local population addresses the most urgent problems facing Tuléar and five rural communities:

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