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17.04.2019 | Blog

Hunger due to Ongoing Violence and Drought

Suffering, displacement and hunger have been constants in South Sudan for years. Welthungerhilfe is supporting with Emergency Aid.

Emergancy Aid in South Sudan
Floods: A young woman, her brother and sister are surrounded by knee-deep water in their family tent in a refugee camp in South Sudan © Welthungerhilfe

Suffering, displacement and hunger have been constants in South Sudan for years. However, the current situation could hardly be more threatening. Several million people can no longer provide for themselves due to the ongoing violence. The entire region of the Horn of Africa is also suffering from a severe drought. Welthungerhilfe has been active in famine-afflicted Unity State for years and is supplying people with food. 

Effects of Ongoing Crisis in South Sudan

Two girls protecting themselves from a storm in a refugee camp
The harsh living conditions and the extreme climate pose enormous challenges for the people in South Sudan – especially in times of crisis. © Daniel Rosenthal/Welthungerhilfe

Hope of a peaceful life in South Sudan was shattered by violent unrest in late 2013. Only two years after Sudan achieved independence, armed confrontations between followers of President Kiir and of former Vice-President Machar claimed tens of thousands of lives. Since then, conflict, violence and displacements have been the order of the day.

This map shows the various projects of Welthungerhilfe in South Sudan.
This map shows the various projects of Welthungerhilfe in South Sudan. © Welthungerhilfe

Facts and background information about the situation in South Sudan

People are afraid, many have fled their homes. New episodes of severe violence continue to worsen the situation. The conflict parties are not putting down their weapons even for important occasions such as sowing time. The result: Many fields could once again not be cultivated last year – in a country in which 90% of the population lives from agriculture. The desperately-needed harvests often fail. Employment options and other sources of income are poor. Food prices are instable, the people spend the majority of their money on food.

The people who suffer most are civilians

The great hardship in South Sudan was caused by violence. Since the 1950s, locals have experienced an almost uninterrupted sequence of armed conflicts. The cycle of hunger, violence and suffering can hardly be broken without structural changes. Ordinary people, however, are suffering the most. 

How Welthungerhilfe supports people in South Sudan

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