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Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to live a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

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Refugees carry bags of bread in a refugee camp
UNHCR Report: Statement by Mathias Mogge

“We cannot rest in our search for sustainable solutions to the many wars and armed conflicts”, warns Mathias Mogge.

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Participants exchange ideas during a P-FIM (People First Impact Method) exercise in Bindura, Zimbabwe, in November 2023. P-FIM involves communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance.
Community-driven early action protocols in Zimbabwe

Involving communities in the planning of humanitarian assistance in Zimbabwe – learn more about the People First Impact Method (P-FIM).

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A woman with her goats at a nearly dried-up watercourse in Somaliland
Breaking Silos for Resilient Communities

Water, Food Security and Health in the climate crisis – join our event to foster collaboration and break silos for a more resilient future.

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Dürre in Kenia: Eine Frau steht auf einem Feld, im Hintergrund sieht man totes Vieh.
UN Climate Negotiations: More Money Needed to Offset Climate Damage

In view of dramatic increases in extreme weather events, more money is needed for climate damage, Welthungerhilfe demands

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Four people, two of them in the uniforms of aid organizations, in a refugee camp in Syria. The surroundings consist of makeshift shelters covered with blue and white tarpaulins.
Inaction will have devastating consequences for Syrian people, warn aid agencies

Over 100 national and international NGOs, including Welthungerhilfe, call on the Ministerial Segment of the Brussels 8 Conference to act

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Welthungerhilfe worldwide

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